Legal notice

The association Observatoire des Pratiques des Entrepreneurs et des Entreprises (“OPEE”) offers via this website (the “Website”) a presentation of its activities and a service whose purpose is to provide tools for economic analysis and diagnosis of companies (“Service”).

The purpose of this Legal Notice is to describe the rights granted to the persons accessing the Website and the Service. Where necessary, it supplements the Terms of Use of the Service when the latter is applicable.

Publication director: Nadine Levratto

Webdesign and development: Abstractive

Hosting : OVH - 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France

1 - Personal data

As part of its activity, OPEE may collect personal data from users of the Service, such as their surname, first name, contact details (email address, phone number, etc.), the name and contact details of their contact person, as well as the organisation to which they belong (the “Personal Data”).

The purpose of processing Personal Data is to:

  • be able to identify the source of the information communicated;
  • send the user the elements and results arising from the Service;
  • enable the tracking of information on a single entity or business sector to establish a historical diagnosis;
  • to keep users of the Website informed of certain economic developments in the sector and to invite them to presentations or seminars related to their activity;
  • to keep the user informed of modifications or progress made on the Website or the Service.

In addition to the Service offered by OPEE to its users, OPEE uses the data collected to improve its analysis tool, in particular by means of examples and panels. Except the report communicated to the user as part of the Service and which relates to an entity determined by the latter, OPEE ensures that the results of its work are presented in a confidential and aggregated manner in such a way that any identification and individualisation of the data is made impossible.

2 - Data retention period

OPEE keeps Personal Data for a period of 5 years from the last connection of the user to the Service.

The user accepts that the OPEE retains data other than Personal Data for the needs of its activity without any time limit. To this end, the OPEE undertakes not to use the data transmitted to it for any purpose other than for the Service or for one of the processes mentioned above.

3 - Privacy policy

In doing so, the OPEE makes every effort to ensure the confidentiality of all data communicated to it, including Personal Data, under the terms set out in the Terms of Use. However, due to the difficulties inherent in exchanging computerised data, OPEE cannot be held responsible for unauthorised or illegal access to its database.

OPEE also makes every effort to preserve the integrity of the data communicated to it. However, due to the nature of its service, OPEE cannot guarantee that it will not be lost or altered. When users access certain parts of the Website using a password, they must keep the password confidential and personal and avoid communicating it or leaving it available to a third-party.

4 - Data protection rights

Users of the Website may at any time express their preference for the use of the Personal Data they provide, and have the right to restrict its use. They also have the right to access, review and delete this data. To do this, the user may contact the data controller by post or by email at the following address:

Observatoire des Pratiques des Entrepreneurs et des Entreprises
Le responsable du traitement des données à caractère personnel
22, traverse Chante Perdrix,
Domaine Valvert,
13010 Marseille

OPEE processes and responds to users' requests as quickly as possible.

5 - Intellectual property

The Website, the Service and all the elements that make them up, including, without limitation, software, algorithms, images, texts, charts, illustrations, logos, trade names, domain names, photographs, ergonomic, audio, visual or audio-visual elements, design, structural layouts of the Website, language elements, questionnaires and all related intellectual elements, are the exclusive property of OPEE or, as the case may be, of third parties.

Access to this Website does not confer on its user any rights other than those granted within the framework of the Terms of Use and for the Service. Any other use that is not explicitly authorised is therefore prohibited.

6 - Rules of best practices

In general terms, when using the Website and the Service, the user undertakes to act so as not to cause prejudice to OPEE or to a third party. They must behave in accordance with public order and good morals. OPEE reserves the right to prohibit access to the Website and the Service in case of a breach of this duty.

Any substantial change to the present Legal Notice will be communicated to the user as soon as possible by email. OPEE nevertheless invites the user regularly to consult this Legal Notice to note any changes.

7 - Credits

Some illustrations by Storyset