What is
the Observatory on Practices of Entrepreneurs and Enterprises?

A mixed team of researchers and practitioners to contribute to business success and growth

The OPEE was created at the initiative of a group of researchers and professors in economics, management and statisticians who are keen to put their knowledge at the service of companies, entrepreneurs and policymakers. They are engaged in a knowledge-sharing process from a viewpoint of inclusive development.

OPEE's teams come directly from the academic world or maintain close collaboration with the world of research.

Assess the positioning of any enterprise and evaluate the impact of support measures dedicated to this enterprise

SBAT (Small Business Assessment Tool) is above all a tool designed for micro-enterprises and SMEs. It aims not only to evaluate their activity but also to compare it with their main competitors' activities. This tool guides an entrepreneur in its decision-making process based on its market position, in order to ensure a safer and more prosperous future for his company.

SBAT also allows policymakers to assess the scope and effectiveness of public policies to support entrepreneurship. By measuring the evolution and the path followed by a company, SBAT provides a framework for the formulation of action proposals for the benefit of companies.

The team

Nadine Levratto

Nadine Levratto

President, Co-founder and Scientific Officer

Nadine Levratto is an economist, director of Research at the CNRS, authorized to direct research and teaching at Paris Nanterre University.
She is the author of numerous books, articles published in academic journals and communications to seminars on business trajectories (creation, growth, failure), local determinants of job creation, and support policies to productive activity. She is also scientific director of several studies and research conducted for ministries, local authorities and public banks on the theme of development of SME development and local public policies.

Marie-Florence Estimé

Marie-Florence Estimé

Development and Strategy Advisor

Marie-Florence Estimé is the former Deputy Director of the OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs & Local Development. She has been responsible for the OECD Working Party on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Entrepreneurship (WPSMEE) since its foundation in March 1993. She has developed its activities and studies on SME and entrepreneurship issues and policies in OECD countries, as well as in a number of non-member economies.
Since retirement, she has continued to work in the areas of SMEs and Entrepreneurship.She is currently a Board Member of INSME (International Network for SMEs based in Rome, Italy),and of several NGOs and non-profit associations. She is also undertaking a private non-profit sustainable development project in Haïti.

Maarouf Ramadan

Maarouf Ramadan

Co-founder, general delegate

Maarouf holds a doctorate in economics and management sciences from the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan (Paris, France) and is currently Associate Professor and Director of Entrepreneurship Department at University of Sherbrooke in Canada.After his Phd he was a postdoc at the Institute for Research on SMEs in Trois-Rivières, Canada where he carried out research on SME internationalization.
He is the author of numerous books, articles published in academic journals and papers in conferences on the internationalization of enterprises, international entrepreneurship and corporate finance, particularly during the seed phase. He conducts part of his research in close collaboration with the French Federation of Business Angels in order to show their practices of support to start-ups in France and their driving role for innovation.

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